Using the audit
Your audit will display the courses you’ve taken or are registered for and will show you any degree, major, or minor requirements that are being met by the courses you’ve taken or that may be met upon satisfactory completion of courses in progress.
Will I be able to view my entire course history?
DegreeWorks uses the information that is current for your transcript. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed/registered for/transferred in by the date your audit was last refreshed. Keep in mind that any transfer work or grade changes that have not been formally submitted and accepted will not appear on your audit.
Please note: If you have any course work entered under the quarter system, those credits will not show up in DegreeWorks. You or your advisor should contact the Office of the Registrar to have them applied.
If I think my audit is incorrect, whom do I contact?
Your academic advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance. If you find that you still have questions, please submit your questions to
Where can I find my GPA?
Your major GPA is a calculated GPA based on coursework used to fulfill major requirements. This GPA will appear within the degree block requirements of your audit. Additionally, depending upon your college, the major GPA may also include courses that potentially could have been used within the major block but were not needed to fulfill specific requirements.
How do I know what classes I need to take?
Your audit will outline courses still needed to meet degree, major, minor, and/or concentration requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.
Why isn’t there a check mark next to a requirement i’ve already completed?
Your academic advisor is your primary point of contact. If your advisor determines that your audit is incorrect, he/she will contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance. If you find that you still have questions, please submit your questions to
Where can I see my minor or second major?
DegreeWorks is designed to show a listing of your majors and minors in the Student View audit. Additionally, each major and minor is broken out into individual requirement blocks within the audit.
Why isn’t my transfer work meeting a requirement?
Please email your concerns to the Registrar’s Office at
My advisor told me that a course I took would be submitted for a requirement. Why doesn’t this information apepar in my audit?
Please email your concerns to the Registrar’s Office at
If all of the boxes are checked, does that mean i’m graduating?
Not necessarily. PLEASE NOTE: You must submit your application for graduation to the Office of the Registrar by the deadline listed on the Dalton State website.
I’ve seen the @ symbol in several places on my worksheet. What does this mean?
This is a wild card in DegreeWorks. If the @ sign appears with course numbers after it (i.e., @ 1000:4999), it means that you can take a 1000-4000 level course from any subject area. If it appears after a subject prefix (i.e., PSYC @), it means that you can take any course in that particular subject.
I repeated a course and I don’t understand how it appears on the degree audit. Can you explain this to me?
If you repeat a course, your last attempt counts toward degree requirements. This will be the attempt that appears on your worksheet. After your second attempt is complete, the first attempt will be placed in an “insufficient” category at the bottom of your worksheet. The courses in this area do not count toward your total hours, and they cannot be used to fulfill requirements.